Here is the main inspiration for my own 3D well asset. As the picture conveys, for our environment, both myself and my partner decided that a well would be one of the assets which I created. With our environment mainly drawing inspiration from historic context, we believed a medieval looking well would achieve the desired effect we wanted for our fantasy environment.

In order to create the 3D well asset for our environment, I used Maya. To construct the well asset, I inserted a variety of basic shapes and played around with each of them until I was happy with the size and dimensions of the shapes. After this, I positioned each of the shapes where I wanted them, therefore creating a proposed well shape, until I was left with the task of creating the angled roof shapes. To do this, I added in some more basic cuboid shapes and made them much more thinner, to achieve a more roof/tiled like feel to the shape. Following this, I angled each of the roof shapes until I was happy with what they looked like, and then finally added them to the rest of the well.

I believe that the well asset which I have created is suitable for our target audience, along with the genre and theme for our environment. My main reasons for this are that it fits the fantasy theme, fits the adventure genre and that it is made up of simple shapes, so can easily be identified by a younger audience, such as our target audience, being gender neutral 7-11 year old's. In addition to this, although I believe I achieved the look of the well that I wanted, I believe that it could have been even better, as I could have made individual slats for the roof to make my well look even more realistic.